In The Field

A Partnership with Nature: Beaver Dam Analogs

Balance recognizes that one of the most dynamic forces of change in meadow systems is beavers.  While we push forward with restoration design strategies to raise the water table and restore channel-floodplain connectivity, beavers are often already hard at work doing just this.  When approaching a restoration project, our field investigation aims to document [...]

A Partnership with Nature: Beaver Dam Analogs2020-10-21T17:52:07+00:00

2019 Holiday Card Competition

Here at Balance, we have an annual company-wide photo contest.  Employees are given minimal guidelines: 1) The photo must be related to Balance, preferably a project. 2) Staff can enter as many photos as they’d like. We received 37 entries from 10 staff members whose photos included staff, their children, their dogs, field days, water-related, [...]

2019 Holiday Card Competition2019-11-08T05:12:32+00:00

Happy Anniversary Ed Ballman!

Today marks Ed Ballman’s 21st year with Balance – Happy Anniversary Ed! He leads the technical direction of Balance’s 1D and 2D hydrologic and hydraulics modeling efforts for fluvial and floodplain restoration projects, this work may include alternative analysis, modeling shear stresses, fish passage, depth analysis – relative to habitat needs, flooding, sediment studies, [...]

Happy Anniversary Ed Ballman!2019-05-07T22:44:11+00:00

Water Year 18 (WY18) Rain-on-Snow Event

The Balance Truckee office likes to remind Berkeley and Santa Cruz staff that monitoring in the Sierra's isn't as glamorous as it's made out to be. Balance Truckee staff monitored this major rain-on-snow event on March 22, 2018 by measuring flow in these less than warm conditions. The drone image captures creek flooding at [...]

Water Year 18 (WY18) Rain-on-Snow Event2018-03-30T23:42:32+00:00

Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) aka Drone

As a pioneer in developing and utilizing specialized tools for geomorphic and hydrologic studies Balance regularly deploys new technologies, in 2017 Balance purchased two Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV). We have two FAA Remote Pilot Airman Certificated pilots, Brian Hastings and Eric Donaldson. UAV technology has endless applications in geomorphic and hydrologic studies. Here at Balance [...]

Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) aka Drone2018-01-03T23:34:58+00:00

Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler

Streamflow The Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) is regularly used to measure streamflow in high-flow situations when water is too deep and fast to wade. In these situations, the ADCP can provide accurate detail about flow, as well as the channel geometry. For example, on February 21st, 2017 Coyote Creek flooded throughout areas in San [...]

Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler2017-12-29T21:29:43+00:00

Streamwood Use in Restoration Projects and Woodjam Safety Assessments

Balance Hydrologics staff have extensive understanding of the important role of streamwood placements in restoration projects to increase habitat, passage potential, and hydraulic complexity in streams. At the same time, we understand safety and flood control needs of a community with respect to woody materials that can transport downstream and create woodjams at locations where [...]

Streamwood Use in Restoration Projects and Woodjam Safety Assessments2017-12-30T05:03:54+00:00