As a pioneer in developing and utilizing specialized tools for geomorphic and hydrologic studies Balance regularly deploys new technologies, in 2017 Balance purchased two Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV). We have two FAA Remote Pilot Airman Certificated pilots, Brian Hastings and Eric Donaldson. UAV technology has endless applications in geomorphic and hydrologic studies. Here at Balance we are currently using UAV’s in the following capacity:
- Flights of pre- and post-restoration (stream, wetland, floodplain, and pond) using the UAV meets post-restoration monitoring goals and is especially useful for conducting a visual assessment of post-restoration sites.
- Construction documentation and post-construction as-builts.
- Enhances geomorphic mapping and monitoring.
- Visual access to remote areas.
- Community Outreach, our UAV images provide stakeholder and community members with a high-resolution view of their projects, including difficult to access areas.
- Post-fire investigations (once fires are completely out and first responders have left the scene)
- Quantifying debris flows
- Quantifying large wood and sediment volumes
- Identifying sediment sources