
Knightsen Wetland Restoration and Flood Protection Project

The Knightsen Wetland Restoration and Flood Protection Project is a multi-objective effort on a 645-acre parcel to attenuate flooding in the community of Knightsen, restore a mosaic of wetland and upland habitats for special status species, provide water quality benefits, and provide recreation and Delta access. Acquired by the East Bay Regional Park District, the [...]

Knightsen Wetland Restoration and Flood Protection Project2020-10-23T15:38:29+00:00

Upper Truckee Marsh Restoration Design

Beginning in the 1800s and continuing through intense land development in the 1960s and early 1970s, the Upper Truckee River was channelized through Lake Tahoe’s largest delta and marsh complex, which resulted in most of the marsh being dewatered, eroded, or obliterated. In an effort to preserve functioning areas and restore the sediment and [...]

Upper Truckee Marsh Restoration Design2020-11-02T18:27:04+00:00

Verdi CMAR Riverbed Restoration Design

The Nevada Department of Transportation has classified two bridges along Interstate 80 as scour critical, and has contracted Granite Construction on a Construction Manager at Risk (CMAR) basis to design and implement a scour protection plan. Balance worked in concert with Wood Rodgers to fulfill environmental permitting requirements for the project, including development of [...]

Verdi CMAR Riverbed Restoration Design2018-01-16T23:47:51+00:00

San Felipe Creek Restoration

The Santa Clara Valley Habitat Agency (Habitat Agency) represents multiple stakeholders in providing long-term protection of ecosystems and biodiversity within Santa Clara County. The Habitat Agency contracted with Habitat Restoration Sciences (HRS), Balance Hydrologics, Inc., and Dudek for this design-build project to develop conceptual plans, evaluate the feasibility of restoration opportunities, and implement the [...]

San Felipe Creek Restoration2020-11-02T18:27:22+00:00

Zaca Post-Fire Sediment Control

The 2007 Zaca Fire burned 248,000 acres of northern Santa Barbara County; including portions of the watersheds supply most of the County’s water supply. Over 60 percent of area contributing runoff to the City of Santa Barbara’s Gibraltar Reservoir was burned, as well as a large part of the watershed of Lake Cachuma. Balance [...]

Zaca Post-Fire Sediment Control2018-01-09T20:33:05+00:00

East Cypress Groundwater Monitoring and Mitigation Wetland Design

The Cypress Preserve Project (Project) is a large-scale mixed-use and density diverse master-planned community in eastern Contra Costa County. The Project avoids and preserves 129.4 acres of jurisdictional Waters of the U.S. (WOUS) and provides wetland mitigation and preservation through two (2) preserves, the North Preserve and the South Preserve. Balance staff developed preliminary [...]

East Cypress Groundwater Monitoring and Mitigation Wetland Design2018-01-09T20:28:57+00:00

Dry Creek Stream and Habitat Restoration

Balance Hydrologics is working with Trout Unlimited-Nevada to restore aquatic habitat along Dry Creek, a tributary to Salmon Falls Creek (Columbia River Basin) in remote northeast Elko County, Nevada. Dry Creek is a spring-fed, steep mountain channel that provides habitat for redband trout. Dry Creek has been impacted by historical mining operations, which have [...]

Dry Creek Stream and Habitat Restoration2020-11-02T18:27:48+00:00

Stanford University Hydrologic Support

Balance staff have been conducting a wide-range of hydrologic and hydraulic studies for Stanford University, the Stanford Lands Company and their cooperators in watershed management since 1994. Among these efforts have been: Searsville Dam and Reservoir Alternatives Study, Stanford University, San Mateo County, California. Geomorphic and hydraulic feasibility of various possible alternatives for Searsville [...]

Stanford University Hydrologic Support2022-04-14T16:44:50+00:00

Monitoring Channel Substrate and Bed Conditions for Salmonid Habitat and Floodplain Management in Corralitos and Soquel Creeks following the 2008 Summit Fire, Santa Cruz County, California

The County of Santa Cruz asked Balance Hydrologics, Inc. to assist in managing public safety, salmonid habitat, and riparian corridors in the Corralitos and upper Soquel Creek watersheds following the Summit Fire of May 2008.  The Summit Fire burned approximately 4,270 acres in the headwaters of the Corralitos and Soquel watersheds, as well as [...]

Monitoring Channel Substrate and Bed Conditions for Salmonid Habitat and Floodplain Management in Corralitos and Soquel Creeks following the 2008 Summit Fire, Santa Cruz County, California2018-02-06T18:51:24+00:00