The Knightsen Wetland Restoration and Flood Protection Project is a multi-objective effort on a 645-acre parcel to attenuate flooding in the community of Knightsen, restore a mosaic of wetland and upland habitats for special status species, provide water quality benefits, and provide recreation and Delta access. Acquired by the East Bay Regional Park District, the property lies at the fringe of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta near sea level, and offers a rare opportunity to restore the transitional habitat that historically fringed much of the Delta, from upland dunes and oak savannah to alkali meadow and seasonal wetlands to fresh water tidal marsh. The East Contra Costa County Habitat Conservancy is implementing the East Contra Costa County Habitat Conservation Plan/Natural Community Conservation Plan at the site, and Balance Hydrologics’ role on this project is to a) evaluate soils, b) document baseline groundwater, and surface water hydrology, and c) work with the project design team to develop restoration alternatives. Development of restoration alternatives occurs in close coordination with the project team, so that proposed alkali wetland and meadow restoration areas will incorporate planting and revegetation strategies and blend with both upland dunes and proposed freshwater tidal marsh restoration designs.