Officially, Peter is a civil engineer in Balance’s Truckee office, but ask him what he does for a living over a pint and he’ll tell you how he fixes rivers with cutting-edge engineering materials (dead trees, boulders, and the occasional beaver dam analog), corrects FEMA maps when they lie and keeps a watchful eye on nearby streams…just to make sure the water keeps going downhill. He would have been ill-suited to work on these types of projects, but fortunately, Peter made sure to counter his engineering education with training in geomorphology, hydrology, stream ecology, and leaky wader repair. This interdisciplinary background has given him a diverse knowledge base to work on a variety of stream, wetland, and meadow restoration projects. It has also meant a healthy mix of office- and field-based work. Apart from restoration work, Peter leads technical studies and large data collection efforts. Complex hydraulic models and GIS analyses are among his favorite types of challenges. His colleagues also look to him for assistance with sediment transport modeling, fish passage studies, and various sorts of stormwater analyses. When he’s not behind his desk or in the field, you can probably find Peter rock climbing high above Truckee with his wife, Michelle, or perfecting his pizza recipe with his “assistants”, Cass the dog and Pluto the cat.
- California P.E. C83062
- Nevada P.E. 22983
- M.S. Civil Engineering, Colorado State University, 2012 (Hydraulic Engineering, Stream Restoration, and River Mechanics Program)
- B.S. Civil Engineering, The Ohio State University, 2006
Fish Passage, GIS Analysis, Geomorphology, Grant Strategies and Management, Groundwater, Hydrologic and Hydraulic Modeling, Illustration, Outreach, Restoration Design, Sediment Transport, Water Policy