Chelsea Neill specializes in fluvial and coastal hydrology and geomorphology, principally in support of habitat management and channel repair projects. Chelsea is the Santa Cruz office manager and manages projects related to groundwater/surface water interactions, sediment transport, and planning and monitoring stream restoration projects. Chelsea has extensive experience collecting and analyzing topographic, bathymetric, and hydrologic data, including water quality and sediment samples. Chelsea is experienced in spatial and temporal analysis and remote-sensing through GIS platforms, as well as analysis through hydrologic modeling. Chelsea has conducted a variety of field investigations related to salmonid fisheries and assists in planning and monitoring stream restoration project.
- California PG 9743
- M.S. Watershed Science, Applied Marine and Watershed Science Program, California State University- Monterey Bay, 2015
- B.S. Geosciences, Denison University, 2009
Fish Passage, GIS Analysis, Geomorphology, Hydrology, LiDAR, Remote Sensing, Storm Monitoring, Stream Gaging, Surface Water / Groundwater Interaction, Water Quality, Watershed Assessments