The Polaris-Burton Creek wetland complex was once one of the largest wetlands on the north shore of Lake Tahoe. Placement of fill for a fish hatchery, athletic fields, campgrounds and a boat ramp, combined with dredging for residential and recreational development, has left the complex in a fragmented state, with severely impaired functions and values. While some efforts have been made to restore portions of the wetland complex, Tahoe Resource Conservation District and its partners now seek to implement a more comprehensive restoration of the wetland and TRPA Stream Environment Zones. Balance Hydrologics assembled an interdisciplinary team to develop comprehensive restoration plans for the entire wetland complex, and is currently working with project stakeholders to identify alternatives that meet restoration objectives, as well as the diverse needs of the local community who value the recreation facilities within the study area. The alternative site configurations, along with the accompanying technical studies, will leave Tahoe RCD and its partners well-poised to generate public review and input on final design direction, complete environmental documentation, obtain necessary permits and eventually implement the project. The final feasibility study was completed in May 2020 and by more than 10 percent under budget.