The Meeks Bay Restoration Project is an effort to restore geomorphic and hydrologic functions to Meeks Creek and its lagoon at Lake Tahoe while continuing to support sustainable recreation opportunities. The effort is being led by the U.S. Forest Service Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit (LTBMU), and in collaboration with the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency (TRPA) and the Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board (Lahontan). Balance Hydrologics evaluated potential hydrology and water quality impacts to assist with environmental documentation for the proposed project, largely based upon review of previously completed work, supplemented by site-specific field study and analysis of streamflow and sediment transport data collected by the USGS along Meeks Creek. Based on the findings, Balance developed recommendations for design criteria and performance standards to minimize or avoid potential impacts. This included a) establishment of appropriate bridge spans at Highway 89 to convey high flows, sediment, and large wood, b) channel bed material recommendations to maintain the grade of the channel, c) channel roughness and debris jam elements to encourage flow dispersion within a controlled corridor, d) channel and floodplain grading recommendations, e) construction diversion and dewatering strategies, e) shoreline protection recommendations, and erosion control measures.