East Fork Carson River Fish Barrier Feasibility Study 

Trout Unlimited (TU), the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW), the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) and other resource management entities are working toward Lahontan cutthroat trout (LCT) recovery in the Lahontan Basin. As part of this effort, Balance Hydrologics was hired to evaluate the feasibility of implementing a physical barrier on [...]

East Fork Carson River Fish Barrier Feasibility Study 2023-04-14T22:10:09+00:00

CSA 50 Flood Control Plan

Balance Hydrologics was the lead for an inter-disciplinary team that was selected to prepare an updated flood control plan for the Carmel River in County Services Area 50, which encompasses the north overbank areas of the river from Mission Fields upstream to Val Verde Drive in the County of Monterey, California.  The study included [...]

CSA 50 Flood Control Plan2020-04-23T16:20:15+00:00

Upper Penitencia Creek Mitigation and Restoration Design for BART to San Jose

Balance Hydrologics was retained to prepare a complete set of construction documents for the mitigation and restoration of Upper Penitencia Creek at the future site of the Berryessa BART station and campus. Mitigation and restoration design is needed to offset impacts related to extension of BART to San Jose. The project offers a unique [...]

Upper Penitencia Creek Mitigation and Restoration Design for BART to San Jose2019-03-15T22:47:36+00:00
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