Looking back to Water Year 2017 (WY17) in California was astonishing, Northern Sierras set a water year record (as of 6/21/17 precipitation was at 195% of average for this date), in other parts of California the daily average precipitation is close on the heels of WY83 the current wettest year record holder. Balance, along with other Californians, celebrated this amazing year as we watched our reservoirs recover and saw water running through our favorite urban and natural creeks. Here at Balance we’re committed to measuring the movement of water: streamflow, sediment transport, water quality and temperature, channel bank stability, scour and fill.

What this means for our staff is STORM DUTY. Our staff roll out of their beds at o-dark-thirty on most rainy (and snowy) days of the year (yes weekends and holidays included). Enjoy these photos of the Balance crew braving the WY17 conditions to capture that high-flow data point.