Dr. Tess Weathers is a hydrologist and Engineer-in-Training with interests in exploring the interplay of microbiology, chemistry, and hydrology. At Balance, Tess has collaborated on various stormwater management and low-impact design projects, CEQA reviews, and water quality sampling expeditions. Her research interests include the effects of contaminants of emerging concern, particularly polyfluoroalkyl and perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) on subsurface microbial communities, 3D modeling of thermal and hydrologic flows in the marine subsurface, and water supply and quality improvements using managed aquifer recharge. Tess has performed field work in Yellowstone National Park, human-centered design studies for water quality solutions in Huamancaca Chico, Peru, and geophysical sampling at North Pond in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean.

Tess is also an associate professor and engineering program co-coordinator at Chabot College in Hayward, CA. She is passionate about providing tools and opportunities for success for systemically underrepresented students in STEM. When she is not in the office or the classroom, Tess enjoys snowboarding, surfing, hiking, and watching the Giants with her dog Buster.

  • LEED Green Associate
  • Ph.D. Hydrology, Colorado School of Mines, 2015
  • M.S. Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of California, Davis, 2010
  • B.S. Civil Engineering, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, 2007
  • Scott Ranch Stormwater Modeling and Bioretention Basin Design, City of Petaluma, Sonoma County
  • Review of Stormwater Management Documentation, Montreux Project, City of Pittsburg, Contra Costa County
  • Put out the fire: Exploring the effects of fire-fighting foams on microorganisms using statistics and plots. Teaching Computation in the Sciences using MATLAB Exemplary Teaching Activities. 2021
  • A horizontal permeable reactive barrier stimulates nitrate removal and shifts microbial ecology during rapid infiltration for managed recharge. Water Research. 2018, 144, 274-284
  • Perfluoroalkyl acids inhibit reductive dechlorination of trichloroethene by repressing Dehalococcoides. Environmental Science and Technology. 2016, 50 (1), 240-248
  • Enhanced biofilm production by a toluene-degrading Rhodococcus observed after exposure to perfluoroalkyl acids. Environmental Science and Technology. 2015, 49 (9), 5458-5466

I’d love to return to the middle of the ocean, or do some polar exploration.

Upper Sacramento River

The work I’ve done at Balance aims to mitigate the negative anthropogenic impacts on the environment. By improving water quality through innovation and analysis, we are healing our planet. I also use my experience at Balance to directly enhance curriculum and pedagogical practices within the classroom, giving my students a first-hand perspective of the engineering industry.