Denise Tu specializes in fluvial geomorphology as it pertains to aquatic habitat recovery, floodplain management and restoration design. She is based in the Santa Cruz office where she supports Central Coast projects and stream gages. She has extensive experience in GIS platforms for spatial and 3D analyses, HEC and MIKE software platforms for 2D hydrodynamic and sediment transport modeling, and AutoCAD Civil 3D for design work. She also is experienced in a variety of field work including RTK GPS and total station surveying, collecting stream flow and hydrologic data, and construction management. When she’s not in the office, you’ll likely find her backpacking, playing competitive beach volleyball, or mountain biking.
- Engineer-in-Training 130538
- Certified Floodplain Manager US-22-12215
- M.S. Physical Geography emphasis in Fluvial Geomorphology and GIS, Department of Geography, University of Oregon, 2011
- B.S. Biological Systems Engineering emphasis in Ecology, University of California Davis; 2007
ArcGIS, Creek and River Restoration, Flood Management, Geomorphology, Hydrologic Monitoring, Restoration Design, Storm Monitoring, Stream Gaging, Stream Restoration