Climate Change

Hydrology for the City of Santa Cruz Habitat Conservation Plan

Since 2004, Balance Hydrologics (Balance) has assisted the City of Santa Cruz, in cooperation with other project team members prepare a Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP) for the watersheds from which the community draws its water supply. Balance has and is presently leading HCP efforts focused on (1) hydrologic characterization of watersheds which provide drinking [...]

Hydrology for the City of Santa Cruz Habitat Conservation Plan2020-03-30T15:59:16+00:00

San Felipe Creek Restoration

The Santa Clara Valley Habitat Agency (Habitat Agency) represents multiple stakeholders in providing long-term protection of ecosystems and biodiversity within Santa Clara County. The Habitat Agency contracted with Habitat Restoration Sciences (HRS), Balance Hydrologics, Inc., and Dudek for this design-build project to develop conceptual plans, evaluate the feasibility of restoration opportunities, and implement the [...]

San Felipe Creek Restoration2020-11-02T18:27:22+00:00

Zaca Post-Fire Sediment Control

The 2007 Zaca Fire burned 248,000 acres of northern Santa Barbara County; including portions of the watersheds supply most of the County’s water supply. Over 60 percent of area contributing runoff to the City of Santa Barbara’s Gibraltar Reservoir was burned, as well as a large part of the watershed of Lake Cachuma. Balance [...]

Zaca Post-Fire Sediment Control2018-01-09T20:33:05+00:00

Hydrologic Site Assessment for the Benicia Urban Waterfront Enhancement and Master Plan

Balance Hydrologics was part of a multi-disciplinary team brought on by the City of Benicia to develop the Benicia Urban Waterfront Restoration Plan (Plan). This Plan was partly funded by a Coastal Conservancy grant and allowed the City of Benicia to plan for an enhanced and restored downtown waterfront that can realize its potential [...]

Hydrologic Site Assessment for the Benicia Urban Waterfront Enhancement and Master Plan2018-01-09T20:31:02+00:00

Monitoring Channel Substrate and Bed Conditions for Salmonid Habitat and Floodplain Management in Corralitos and Soquel Creeks following the 2008 Summit Fire, Santa Cruz County, California

The County of Santa Cruz asked Balance Hydrologics, Inc. to assist in managing public safety, salmonid habitat, and riparian corridors in the Corralitos and upper Soquel Creek watersheds following the Summit Fire of May 2008.  The Summit Fire burned approximately 4,270 acres in the headwaters of the Corralitos and Soquel watersheds, as well as [...]

Monitoring Channel Substrate and Bed Conditions for Salmonid Habitat and Floodplain Management in Corralitos and Soquel Creeks following the 2008 Summit Fire, Santa Cruz County, California2018-02-06T18:51:24+00:00